Saturday, February 7, 2015

Pork, Profanity, and Pouring Drinks

        Mike Huckabee, who served as the 44th governor of the state of Arkansas recently went public about his stance of gay rights. Doesn't sound interesting? Well, when was the last time you compared gay-rights to cussing, alcohol, and bacon-wrapped shrimp? "I don't drink alcohol, but gosh -- a lot of my friends, maybe most of them, do. You know, I don't use profanity, but believe me, I've got a lot of friends who do. Some people really like classical music and ballet and opera -- it's not my cup of tea. It's like asking someone who's Jewish to start serving bacon-wrapped shrimp in their deli". Not only is this an issue on bacon-wrapped shrimp, but it is a first amendment issue concerning freedom of religion.
        The first amendment gives Christians the right to ban gays from public spheres such as churches and business. Freedom of Speech gives people the right to use gay slurs publicly, including in schools. Bob Cesca, makes a point worth noting, that " Somehow, and not for the first time in history, by the way, faith is being exploited as a justification for hatred and bigotry." As a Christian, it saddens and partially offends me that people of my faith are justifying this type of behavior, and are even pointing to scripture that supports the execution of gays. The God that I worship is one of forgiveness, and I’m sure that extreme violent protests against not policies, but PEOPLE are not on his agenda; they’re not on mine either. If homosexuality is a sin and ‘God hates gay people’, then inevitably God must hate liars, cheaters, thief, and unfaithful spouses. I’m sure that every Christian has fallen under any of these categories or many of the other ones that categorize sinners. We’re all sinners and God loves us all. To bring this post to a conclusion, let’s acknowledge the fact that Mike Huckabee is known to be a traveling media circus and has little (if any) credibility as is. This is a man who criticized the Obamas as bad parents because they let their children listen to Beyoncé.

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