Thursday, February 12, 2015

State v Mann

        In 1829, the decision was made that slaves had no rights under the rule of their slave masters.In the case of State v Mann.Mann was fined $10 for shooting and injuring a slave named Lydia who was being rented by Mr. Mann. While receiving punishment, Ms. Lydia decided to run away and this was the point at which Mr. Mann shot Lydia. The case reached the North Carolina Supreme Court after John Mann was founded guilty and the decision was reversed in favor of Mr. Mann. In moot court, the classroom scenery changed but the decision in favor of Mr. Mann by the appellate court did not change. Team Trippy made a very valid argument with facts, codes and laws in favor of Mr. Mann.
        An important point that Team Trippy made was that Lydia was rented for a year by John Mann with the permission of Lydia's master; sadly, this implies that he had the right to do what he wanted with her.On the other hand, we had the "Good Guys" Team Starbucks who made moral and religious arguments on behalf of the state. These arguments included made by yours truly, arguing that Ms. Lydia is a human being and should not be categorized nor treated as property. Gabby had a legitimate religious argument, as many believe that our constitution and nation was built from Christianity. Not to mention that many of our laws come from the 10 commandments. Also, what do you place your hand on in court while swearing to swear "To tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?". Both sides made valuable arguments, unfortunately the law is the law. I'm sure that not everyone in the room agrees with slavery, but it was a fun process, both sides were prepared, and the audience was respectful.

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