Friday, March 13, 2015

How Much do Gays Unsettle Republicans? Bruni Knows

                       Frank Bruni, a gay columnist for the NY Times wrote an article entitled “Do Gays Unsettle You?” in which he talks about public as well as republican scorn against gays and what he calls ‘unfinished’ business in society. He starts by sharing a personal experience in which he and his lover were embarrassed publicly by a lady who appeared to have one too many at a bar or restaurant. Out of the three resources that I used, Bruni’s was the most personalized as it had an undertone of emotion which was brought to light from the beginning of the article. Afterwards, he goes into detail about Republicans who have scorned gays publicly including Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz. 
        Using numbers to his advantage, Bruni points out surveys providing evidence that a large portion of society feels uncomfortable around gays in a variety of public settings. These public settings, or situations, include seeing a gay couple hold hands in public or finding out that their child was seeing a gay pediatrician without their knowledge.  To end his argument, Bruni brings emotion back into his article in pointing out the unfair treatment of gays in society. This unfair treatment leads to saddening results, from children of gay couples not being accepted into private schools to gay children taking their own lives. In the U.S and in the world, it will take more than one aspect of society in order of the world to come to peace with the concept of accepting gay couples. These aspects include religion, legislation, and social acceptance. Bruni’s argument proves that it takes social tolerance in order for society to abide peacefully with both heterogeneous and homogenous couples walking the streets.

Source: NY Times

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