Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Plessy V Ferguson

      Today in moot trial court, the case of Plessy v Ferguson was made before the court in which Plessy was dissatisfied with being moved to the 'black' section of the railroad cart after buying a ticket for a section in the 'white' section of the railroad cart. The trial began with Team Reagan making their case with Plessy being legally allowed to buy the ticket despite the fact that Plessy was black. Plessy peacefully bought his ticket but was allegedly set up by the railroad company in order to be arrested.
      The state of Louisiana law, according to Team Reagan, had no constitutional power in regards to the railroad system. This is because the railroad track extended to other states; therefore, it was apart of interstate commerce and not just the state of Louisiana. "Plessy had the privilege to buy a train ticket with better commodities. There was an undercover officer on the train who knew who was African American which infringes on his rights to buy his plane ticket". Team Reagan then went on to use the invalidity of the "Separate but Equal Clause" by presenting pictures of the difference between drinking fountains and classrooms used by black and whites.

      Team Red, White and Better than You argued that the state had rights regarding laws with public transportation. They also believed that "Racial Mixin'" on railroad carts could lead to violence due to the racial tension at the time that this case was held. The breakthrough in their argument outside of law was that Plessy worked with 'community of citizens' who chose him to go on the train knowing that Plessy was 1/8th black. The Railroad knew about this plotted protest so they planned accordingly.

     Overall, Team Red, White, and Better than You had the better legal argument leading to them winning the case. Without a doubt, I commend Team Reagan for their moral side of the argument and the efforts of both sides.

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